Tuesday, May 23, 2017

  I do tend to neglect the blog from time to time. No excuses. Life happens and I am always busy.

I am just now recovered to where I was 6 months before I crashed that folding clown bike.  That has been over 2 years ago. I am now just beginning to be able to lay down in some other position besides my right side. Since the injury, I have only been able to lay on my right side, curled up.

  I had just got to where I was able to lay on my left side in Myrtle Beach. I had started seriously going to the gym and riding bike. I did my best day on a bike. 60 miles. I always put an odometer on my bikes and test against a gps for accuracy. I had Mary Lee out of the water doing bottom paint and was riding clown bike back and forth to Marina. The handle bar lock came loose as I was racing across an intersection. I crashed right onto the side that I had hit when I first hurt my back. OW!!

This time I got a different kind of folding bike

It is much more stable.  Shocks front and rear make it easier on my back when riding. The best part. The latch, where it folds, is so much more positive. It is also spring loaded. You have to pull the pin or it cannot come loose.

  Steve and Linda(Yesterday's Dream) had invited me to visit them in Marathon, FL. They have wintered there in the Banana Bay marina for several years. I had hauled that dance floor to the college in Boca Raton, FL last fall. I did not realize that I was only a couple hours drive from them. The opportunity to haul the floor back up to Southport came up. Since the trip was paid for.....I decided to see if Steve and Linda wanted company.

Linda has been having knuckles replaced in her hands. We decided to wait until she had recovered sufficiently from the surgery before I made the trip.

It is about a thousand miles from Southport to Marathon. I drove down to just about a hundred miles short. Got a motel and drove in during daylight. It would have been quite late. I wanted to see the scenery in daylight.

I really enjoyed my stay. Steve and Linda are not only good friends, they are also great hosts.

Linda sported a fancy brace the whole time.

There was plenty to see.

The weather was just starting to get hot.

Beautiful sunsets from the observation spot right in from of Yesterday's Dream.

I even got to see the fabled green flash one evening. I really enjoyed the 3 days I stayed. I took many more pictures. I have, however, recently purchased a MacBook.

My first Mac. I have had some technical difficulties with figuring out how it all works. I have not yet figured out an easy way to get all the pictures transferred from Android phone to MacBook.

I would have liked to stay in. Marathon. But....time to head back home. So I said my goodbyes, and

left Yesterday's Dream and crew much as I found them.

Drove up to Boca Raton, picked up floor,

and headed home.

I really would like to take Mary Lee down to Marathon next season, But, I have decided to go to upholstery school next January.
   It has been hard figuring out what I can do for a living again.  I cannot choose something and find out in a couple years, that it will not work. I want to have a trade that I can enjoy. Can work in air conditioning. My own business. Set hours that work for me. If I overdo it, I need to be able to take a few days to recover. I want it to work with boating. I already had an interest in upholstery before I got hurt. I am diving in feet first.

So, back to working on Mary Lee. In the previous posts, I had built cabinets and done some upholstery. I just did not like the cabinets.

I pulled them out and rebuilt them.

I like this better.
  I found this little jewel in a consignment shop.

Solid brass. Polished. Digital picture gives it a weird color.

Catch up posts are long. Last thing for this post. I finally figured out how I want to build the starboard side. I took out the uncomfortable settee. I was back and forth between building in a booth or a comfy couch. The port side has a big water tank under it. It is too high to make into a comfy couch. I tried.

I need a different storage setup than what Mary Lee came with. The booth will not give me the comfort my back requires. I did a mock-up with old couch cushions to give me an idea.

I will build it love seat size. Cabinet on right for galley storage. Cabinets like other side...but bigger. sectioned storage behind backrest. sectioned storage under.

Almost forgot a couple things. I made a trip up to Oriental, NC. Just to look it over. I really like it up there.  Steve and Linda will remember this.

I had my dinghy tied up to this dock when we(Mike was helping me move Mary Lee south from Baltimore)met them for breakfast. The older picture is on the blog somewhere.

Blast from the past. I was an Operations Specialist in the Navy. My ship, LSD 40. Fort Fisher.

Me on deck while in Hawaii