Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It has started to cool down finally. Fall is here. Halloween is around the corner. Vivian has one of those ghosts with a blower that fills it up. It is now going in the courtyard
And of course....It's the Great pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
Vivian's favorite scene.

Spent the last weekend on Mary Lee. Watched about a 4 foot alligator doing the "mess around" by the dock.
Not even big enough to eat :-)

But the big news is that I have started the changes inside Mary Lee.
The starboard settee (left side of above picture for those unfamiliar with boat terminology) is going to be a booth. I must have a table to sit at when eating.
I got most of the settee and ruined water tank pulled out. I know exactly what I will be doing. I saw a sister ship to Mary Lee with the settee converted to a booth and it looked great. I also have several books on boat building and refitting. I am quite confident it will be done correctly.

The port side settee is already converted to a queen size bed....well...on one end, possibly just under a full size on the other end. I have finally figured out how to make it what we want. It will still be able to be a couch but a deep couch with pillows on the back. Also, if you notice the above picture shows the port side settee out where it will be when done. It is pulled out about 18 inches from where it was as a settee. I will be closing in that space underneath. It is 16 inches tall. 18 inches deep and 77 inches long. More places to store things.
 I will not be adding much more weight as it is kind of a trade. I take out and I build back in.

The longest seat in the booth will have a water tank added. There is a 40 gallon tank under the port settee but the 40 gallon tank under the starboard settee was cut out by a previous owner for storage. I am hoping to have room for at least a 30 gallon. I may end up putting a tank under the other seat later. We will see how it goes as the work is completed.

It has taken a while to figure out the best way to set Mary Lee up as a live-aboard. Usually things go together quickly once I am happy with what I want to do. As I mentioned last post. Vivian and I will be spending much time on Mary Lee. It needs to be an accommodating vessel, not a set up more conducive to weekend camping expeditions. There is almost nothing for storage, the seating is horrible and I am not going to be crawling in and out of the v-berth to sleep. I have a hard time believing I never thought of these things more before shopping for a boat. I am now!! :-)

So this winter is going to be refit winter. Finishing the upgrades in the house and starting my new hobby. I have just found lasts for shoe making. I have a very hard time finding shoes that fit correctly. I have spent a lot of money over the years on shoes that seem okay until I have worn them a couple weeks. They bother my feet and get thrown out while still mostly new. Enough. I can make my own. Besides, I already own most of the tools for working leather.
 Besides. Once I have what I need, I will not be spending near the money on shoes. I will be surprised if there is $30 worth of material in a pair of shoes. Until I figure it out, the shoes will be much more affordable to throw away. Once I figure it out. I get to actually wear out a pair.
Will begin sewing new canvas next summer. Still figuring out exactly what I want to do with it.

Last on the list. I have a box of oil paints and brushes that I want to get working with. I have a lot of years of art classes behind me. I intend to do something with them.

Alright....I guess it just looks like I am trading one set of projects for another.

I cannot help it.

 I try to have less going but my brain requires action on my bodies part. My body may hurt, but it is my brain that will drive me crazy if I am not keeping my body busy with new challenges.

THAT is why working was so important to me. Not routine. Routine is mundane and not acceptable. I chose a challenging lifestyle a long time ago when my peers were choosing a SAFE way of life.

I realize that slowing down because of  injury and age is expected. I am just stubborn.